The Blog

Lincoln College to host TEDx talks

The College will host TEDxBrayfordPool’s ‘Fearless’ event on Saturday 30 June 2018. ‘Fearless’ poses the question ‘What could we accomplish if we fear less?’ and hopes to explore this through a series of engaging speeches and performances. Speakers will be discussing topics including mental health, gender, race, religion, the environment, plus many more. The line-up includes [Read more…]

Life Skills: How to get a good credit score

This article is the fourth in a series about managing finances for beginners. You’ve already learnt how to easily set up and stick to a budget, how to get rid of debt and how to borrow money sensibly. Read on to learn about credit scores and how to make sure you have a good one. [Read more…]

New painting and decorating centre of excellence opened

One of the country’s largest painting and decorating contractors has opened an academy in partnership with Lincoln College Group. Bell Group opened its fifth decorating academy in the UK at Lincoln College this week. Aimed at creating a centre of excellence, it will enhance existing courses and give students the hands-on experience they need to [Read more…]

Career Guide: Travel & Tourism

Working in the Travel & Tourism industry can bring a whole host of exciting opportunities. You could find yourself travelling abroad on a daily basis, working internationally or meeting people from all over the world when they visit your home country.   “According to the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), the industry already is responsible for [Read more…]