Jess studied Level 3 Childcare and Education, completing her course in 2017. After a spell at Birmingham City University, she is now a Lecturer in Education and Early Years here at Lincoln College!
She told us her favourite things from her days as a student at the college were going out on placement in early years and primary school settings and “having the opportunity to apply what we had learned in the classroom in a real-life context.”
She continued, “My time at college helped me develop my confidence and skills in working with children. I learned so much in my two years at Lincoln College and it truly was the foundation to get where I am today.”
Jess found that the teaching staff were always very supportive, believing in her from the very start. “They helped us to complete each unit of the course of course, but their support went beyond the mandatory course content. I probably wouldn’t have even considered going to university if it wasn’t for the encouragement from my teachers.”