‘Why we Work’ examines what motivates us to get out of bed in the morning and go to work. Barry Schwartz is a Psychologist, author and famous TED Talker who dedicates himself to tackling what he believes to be the psychological plagues of modern living. His 2015 Ted Talk ‘The way we think about work [Read more…]
When the Alumni team asked Jo Kirk what her career highlight was, she said: “There are too many to mention. Everyday I witness miracles! Who else can say that?” Jo studied Access to Healthcare Practitioners at Lincoln College as a mature student and today, she works as a Nurse Practitioner. Here’s what she had to [Read more…]
Louise Dixon took the Access to Healthcare course at Lincoln College. As a mature student, the course allowed Louise to confidently re-enter education, go to university and train to be a Midwife. Now successfully employed as a Midwife at United Lincolnshire Hospital, Louise spoke to our Alumni Team about her experiences of college, the [Read more…]
If you’re struggling to focus, there may be a very simple solution to the problem. Read on to find out what you can change in your workspace for an instant productivity boost. How you set up your workspace The set-up of your workspace, in terms of the positioning of your chair, desk and technology [Read more…]
The main difference between a career and a job is that a job is just something you do for money, whereas a career is a long-term endeavour, something you build towards and work upon every day. A job is just a role, but a career is made up of the combination of roles, experiences, [Read more…]