The Blog

Best podcasts to expand your business knowledge 

Improve your business acumen on the go with these brilliant business-related podcasts. Discover interviews with the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, learn how to solve business-related problems encountered at every level of the professional ladder, and find out how Netflix beat Blockbuster in the race into our living rooms.    Harvard Business review – Ideacast  Each week the HBR Ideacast features leading business [Read more…]

Seven tips for giving a winning presentation

Being able to speak in public is a valuable skill to have in many professions. Here are our top tips for giving a presentation or speech.    Prepare  Reduce the need to worry by being as prepared as possible – practice your presentation or speech until you can say it without thinking, perform it in front of [Read more…]

3 fascinating career paths in healthcare 

Wondering what you can do with your Health and Social Care qualification? If you have a healthcare qualification or are considering getting one, read on to find out some of the fascinating career paths you could follow.   It’s not just doctors and nurses, you know.    Call Handler / Emergency Medical Dispatchers  Call Handlers and Emergency Medical Dispatchers work [Read more…]