The Blog

Working at Home? When is your peak productive time?

You probably know already that you’re more productive at some times during the day. But do you know how to work out exactly when you peak, and how to utilise this to improve your performance, creativity and problem-solving abilities? This could be particularly useful if you are working at home, without your normal routine during [Read more…]

Could your own podcast boost your career or business?

In the past, people looking to build their profile might aim to get on TV or radio. They still do, of course, but there’s a growing range of options to get a message out there with digital technology, such as podcasts. It’s no secret that these audio shows – delivered weekly or even daily to [Read more…]

Tricks to stop spending all your time on email

If (in more normal times) you’re an office worker, you may find it unsurprising that we spend an average of 4.1 hours a day checking work emails – that’s more than 20 hours a week and more that 1000 hours a year.   All that time spent reading, replying, scrolling, forwarding, CCing and crafting those [Read more…]

Social distancing is a chance to re-engage with lifelong learning

We are living through unprecedented times, but for some, more time at home might offer an opportunity to re-engage with learning. Whether you want to upskill to progress your career, widen your knowledge to help your family, or to directly contribute to your community during the current crisis – we have courses that may help. [Read more…]

Everyone has an inspiring story to tell…

Remember what it was like when you were at Lincoln College? If you could go back and give yourself one piece of advice about learning or planning for the future, what would it be? Is there anything you would say to encourage yourself to work harder, or have more confidence in your abilities? Did you [Read more…]