The Blog

Tips for getting your first job

Are you going to be a first-time job hunter this summer? The job market can be a scary, overwhelming place, with hurdles to jump over, etiquette to learn and sometimes, rejection to overcome.   Business Insider interviewed a company founder who has hired over 1,000 people and collected his top tips for recent graduates on [Read more…]

Offering work experience… what kind of tasks can you set?

Work experience gives students the opportunity to experience what working life is all about, often in an industry or occupation that they are considering joining in the future. It typically lasts from a few days to a few weeks, and although voluntary and unpaid, it has a lot of value for the young people taking [Read more…]

Improving your time management at work or college

When we ask what advice the alumni network would like to see in our monthly articles, help with time management is a popular request. So here are our tips for using your time wisely, whether you’re at work or college.     Set clear short-term and long-term goals Having a clear long-term goal, such as [Read more…]

What is job satisfaction and how to get it in your workplace

Are you happy in your job? Job satisfaction is generally defined as feeling fulfilled, engaged and satisfied by your work. There’s a growing feeling that employers need to prioritise the job satisfaction of their employees in a bid to increase productivity and motivation, and decrease staff turnover. In 2020, the Circular Board recruitment website reported [Read more…]

We asked your fellow alumni: what makes a good boss?

The alumni community has a lot to say when it comes to talking about what makes a good boss – and what behaviours we should aspire to as we climb the career ladder.   Employers and employees alike seemed to agree that a good management style isn’t just giving out orders, but about taking an [Read more…]