From the post-pandemic ‘Great Resignation’ to the current cost of living crisis, events are causing lots of people to take another look at their career path. One in four people aged 16 to 34 were considering changing jobs last year. In uncertain times, you want a career that is stable, has plenty of options and [Read more…]
Job losses are far below their pandemic peak in 2020, but fears of recession and high-profile layoffs like those at P&O are a reminder that no job is completely secure. And if that bad news arrives, it’s a huge financial and emotional shock – just when you need to be at your best to start [Read more…]
Do you lack self-confidence at work, college or in life in general? If so, there’s a good chance that it could be getting in the way of your success despite your ability to achieve what you want. Everyone lacks confidence sometimes. The key to conquering it is to recognise it for what it is – [Read more…]
Making a good impression on your boss and co-workers is vital on the first day of a new job. Research has shown that it can take less than a second for a person to form an opinion of you based on your physical appearance, body language, attitude, clothes and mannerisms. Based on first [Read more…]
People who’ve made their mark on the world at a young age hold a particular fascination. How did they achieve so much so quickly? And, maybe more importantly, how can we do the same? Anyone who’s achieved such a meteoric rise will have a few tricks up their sleeve when it comes to productivity. [Read more…]