The Blog

The Power of Persuasion – Tips for Persuasive Writing

Being able to write persuasively is a powerful skill to master. Whether you’re writing an essay, a proposal, an article, a review, an advert, or even a letter to your MP, convincing your audience to side with your point of view is essential to success.   Here we outline some of the most effective ways [Read more…]

How to start a passive income business

Passive income has become a huge buzzword in personal finance, with influencers and internet marketers eager to sell their idea of how you can make easy money. But what is it really?   The idea behind passive income is an irresistible one – build your earnings without putting in ongoing labour. Traditionally, that’s meant things [Read more…]

Tips to build an effective landing page for your business

Landing pages are big business. Essentially, a landing page is where a visitor first ‘lands’ when they click on a link to your website from another location. The purpose of a landing page is to swiftly capitalise on the interest that has been generated and turn the visitor into a customer as soon as possible. [Read more…]