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The shy person’s guide to selling yourself at interviews

Friday, June 19th, 2020

When it comes to job interviews, some of us just aren’t naturals. If you’re the shy and retiring type, it can feel awkward and out-of-character to start bragging about your achievements. Perhaps that’s why job interviews are notoriously bad at predicting how people will perform in the company: they’re barely better than tossing a coin. [Read more…]

Lifelong learning: good for you and good for the economy

Thursday, May 21st, 2020

If the lockdown has meant more free time perhaps, like many people, you have been learning new skills and finding ways to develop your education. Such ‘lifelong learning’ benefits employees, businesses and governments, argues the World Economic Forum. Voluntarily pursuing new knowledge and skills throughout your life can not only bring about good health, wealth, [Read more…]

Can you work less but get more done?

Thursday, May 21st, 2020

Parkinson’s Law is a popular productivity theory which states that “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” This means that if you work intensely for a shorter period of time, you actually achieve more than if you work on the same task for a number of days and allow yourself [Read more…]

How to create the perfect LinkedIn summary

Thursday, May 21st, 2020

Your first impression speaks volumes on LinkedIn. You should use your summary to get the right people’s attention, sell yourself and get across all the key information about yourself in a concise way. Your LinkedIn profile is also likely to show up in the first few results if people research you online (and they will). [Read more…]

Are “smart drugs” the future in work and study?

Thursday, May 21st, 2020

Most of us don’t try anything more than a few cups of coffee to give us a mental boost during the work day. But increasingly there’s a generation who are using more powerful medication to give them an edge, firstly in their studies and then later at work. In one survey of tens of thousands [Read more…]

How to budget

Thursday, May 21st, 2020

Even before the financial issues caused by the Coronavirus – the furloughing, redundancies, temporary paycuts and so on, millions of Britons were scraping by from payday to payday. One in five of us say we have no savings to fall back on in an emergency. Rising costs of living can make it hard get by. [Read more…]

Better sleep for a more productive day

Tuesday, April 21st, 2020

We all need more sleep. About 35% of people in the UK get less than seven hours a night, which could put them at risk of damage to physical and mental health. It’s affecting our work too: about 200,000 working days are lost a year due to absenteeism caused by lack of sleep. So, the [Read more…]

Working at Home? When is your peak productive time?

Tuesday, April 21st, 2020

You probably know already that you’re more productive at some times during the day. But do you know how to work out exactly when you peak, and how to utilise this to improve your performance, creativity and problem-solving abilities? This could be particularly useful if you are working at home, without your normal routine during [Read more…]

Could your own podcast boost your career or business?

Tuesday, April 21st, 2020

In the past, people looking to build their profile might aim to get on TV or radio. They still do, of course, but there’s a growing range of options to get a message out there with digital technology, such as podcasts. It’s no secret that these audio shows – delivered weekly or even daily to [Read more…]

Tricks to stop spending all your time on email

Tuesday, April 21st, 2020

If (in more normal times) you’re an office worker, you may find it unsurprising that we spend an average of 4.1 hours a day checking work emails – that’s more than 20 hours a week and more that 1000 hours a year.   All that time spent reading, replying, scrolling, forwarding, CCing and crafting those [Read more…]

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